A Beautiful Appearance

Published August 16, 2015 by Freedom Literature

Boy: Look how beautiful you are. You are so amazingly astonishing. Your lips are nicely                   plumped, your cheekbones are well defined, so are your eyes with long eyelashes that catch my attention. Your body is perfect, well proportioned up top, thinned out at the waist with a nice curve to follow like a coca cola bottle. Your legs are strong but still feminine like. You are perfect just as you are.

Girl: Thank you for all of your compliments, but my lips are nice and plumped thanks to a lip enhancer. Unfortunately my         eyelashes are not mine but I am glad you like them. My cheekbones, my “well proportioned top”, “thinned out waist and curve to follow”, as you so nicely put it, are all thanks to my plastic surgeon. I will let him know you appreciate his work. Now the legs are mine, I go to the gym from time to time.

Please do not misinterpret this post. I believe in women doing all the alterations to their bodies as they wish but just make sure you do it for the right reasons. Remember to love yourself first as you are and never change to please anyone else but yourself. Nobody deserves to have that power over you.

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