
All posts tagged time

Lean On Him For Understanding

Published December 11, 2013 by Freedom Literature

“It’s hard for people to accept “it’s not meant to be” when they’ve put so much effort into whatever is. Maybe it’s a career choice you were passionate about but it was never what God wanted for you. Maybe you fell in love with someone during your education years and you two have experienced so much together but it was never who God wanted for you. You begin to ponder… “Lord, why would you allow this? Why would you allow me to go through years of studying and following a path that wasn’t meant to be? Why would you allow me to meet this woman or man in my life where we shared so much together personal and it was never meant to be?” Simple, God gives us free will. Before we make choices He sends us signs and warnings but we missed them because we’re caught in the moment and He will step back respecting whatever decision we make but will not allow it to destroy you.ฺ

In order for us to learn not to lean to our own understanding or to be led by feelings God will allow us to go through our choices to teach us a lesson. It’s during the process of our mistakes we learn to depend on Jesus. We learn to first seek His face in all things. It’s during those moments we draw closer to Him in prayer and the Word. It’s sad that we have to make mistakes in order to draw closer to the Lord instead of being obedient and learning to trust Him during the test He puts us in instead of us putting ourselves in situations. As an example what Job went through wasn’t caused by himself but God was the one who allowed the enemy to tempt Job; there’s a difference. David on the other hand decided on his freewill to sleep with another mans wife and impregnate her; God was not in that but He knew what David was going to do and already established a plan to turn it around for his good.ฺ

If you are saved the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you. Stop doing everything on your strength and might. Let the Holy Spirit HELP you. Delight yourself in Him. Trust in Him. Give it all to Jesus, He will never lead you wrong; it will turnaround for your good. When you know your steps are ordered by God you won’t have to worry about about anything. Jesus is all you need!”


Throw Back Thursday #TBT

Published December 5, 2013 by Freedom Literature

If there is one thing that can hold us back is our past. As much as we strive to become better human beings, we are constantly reminded of what we use to be. We feel as though we are never given enough credit for what we have overcome and have become today.

We have to know this starts by us. We have to accept who we once were and know, “I can never go back and change what I’ve done but what I’m going to do, is change what is in my control NOW.” 

Even when someone comes to remind you of who you once use to be – you make it a point to tell them “That’s how awesome God is because look at where I am today. I’m a walking testimony of God’s power, grace and mercy, and since you seem to be stuck in the same place where I was at one point in my life, I suggest you try God one of these days.” 

God has come to renew and restore all things, the devil on the other hand, would love to see you defeated and hopeless. Try now God in this – He will not let you down.