
All posts tagged change

Something Beautiful is on The Horizon

Published August 14, 2015 by Freedom Literature

Sometimes there are secrets that can’t be told or feelings that can’t be felt. The intensity of the emotions are too hurtful to face. Unable to confront your past it’s hard to deal with your present and intolerable to imagine the future.

How did you get here or how did everything get out of hand? How is it that you can’t express your emotions? Because they are entangled in your heart along with the memories that hurt you and won’t let you have peace. Unable to function with what life has given you and only able to think about how bad it all is. It seems impossible the thought of you being able to get out of this state of mind. It seems as though no matter what you do, life hands you another pack of issues to deal with. How do you withstand the changes and how life fluctuates right before your eyes without a warning? All you have to go by is faith, faith in what? The missing factor in your life. You always have had faith but you continue to deal with all this hurt and mistrust everyday of your life. Why you? How come you are not normal, able to feel normal? How is it that despite all your good deeds, all your efforts to help others it’s still not enough to get you by with a little bit of slack, a little bit of peace? You try to sleep and the pain awakens you, the loneliness haunts you and you’re unable to get rid of it. Your eyes weep from fear and the tears just don’t stop. No matter what you do they just won’t stop.

You cover your eyes, shut them closed in hopes of opening them and realizing that it’s going to be okay. That you will be okay, that all of your fears will go away and you will be able to breathe. As if you were being relieved of all the pain, heaviness in your heart and all the memories which cause you harm. The world turns into a better place and you smile. Your smile is the start of a fresh day with hope of all beautiful things about to happen for you. And it’s at that moment when you realized that you can do this thing called life, that you will be okay, that there is no doubt you will be able to make it no matter how hard life becomes. Your dreams are obtainable, they are realistic. All your pain subsides and you no longer feel that heaviness which haunted you every day. Your life changes for the better and your faith returns, your faith in God your faith in YOU!

Emotions About Life

Published October 25, 2014 by Freedom Literature

How I truly feel tonight?
That’s the question of the night. How do I put all of my feelings of anxiety and peace all in one page. I can’t help the way that I am, neither can I help the way I feel. Can I help how I act out my feelings? Yes, I will, and so I do. I continuously revise and review my situations, so I act out the way I’m meant to act out or not act out at all.

On another note, I am being impulsive and changing my mind about different situations all of a sudden because I rather concentrate on other issues rather than what I am really going to be facing, and that is a rotator cuff repair.
How do I ease myself and emotions into my life? And something my son just said made so much sense, it was completely out of context, but he said “you gotta flirt”. Honestly you have to just love life and everything that comes with it. We can’t continuously fight against the truth that lies before us, sometimes we have to learn to accept and say it will be okay. Not everything that will come towards us will be things we like, but its okay because it will pass, and it will get better. Now lets not ignore our feelings for the things we are facing, its okay to be scared, and its okay to cry because of it. But you have to be able to flirt with life and make it your “bitch” (which is the first word that comes to mind). But you get what I mean, make it your friend, not your enemy. Love it instead of hating it and romantically make it what you want for you. No struggles needed just challenges looking for you to become better at this thing called life.

Throw Back Thursday #TBT

Published December 5, 2013 by Freedom Literature

If there is one thing that can hold us back is our past. As much as we strive to become better human beings, we are constantly reminded of what we use to be. We feel as though we are never given enough credit for what we have overcome and have become today.

We have to know this starts by us. We have to accept who we once were and know, “I can never go back and change what I’ve done but what I’m going to do, is change what is in my control NOW.” 

Even when someone comes to remind you of who you once use to be – you make it a point to tell them “That’s how awesome God is because look at where I am today. I’m a walking testimony of God’s power, grace and mercy, and since you seem to be stuck in the same place where I was at one point in my life, I suggest you try God one of these days.” 

God has come to renew and restore all things, the devil on the other hand, would love to see you defeated and hopeless. Try now God in this – He will not let you down.

Tip Tuesday #TT

Published December 3, 2013 by Freedom Literature

At times we can get so stuck in our culture, customs and routines, we choose not to live any other way. If you want to learn something new, experience new things, expose your children to new things you were never exposed to, than you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. 

Yes I know its hard to let go of our habits, considering the fact we are creatures of habits, but its not impossible. God always allows someone to come into our lives for us to be introduced to that door. The door of new things, new opportunities, new experiences, new way of thinking. We, being scared of change, turn around and walk away from that opportunity because we don’t want to step out of our comfort zone, out of our familiar. 

I dare you today to step out of your comfort zone and allow God to open your eyes to new things, not only for yourself, but for those around you. One day, your children will thank you because you gave them a life worth looking forward too. 

Take the Shot

Published July 1, 2013 by Freedom Literature

In life doors open for you but they also close. We all know what we have to offer, we all know what we are good at. The gifts that were given to us are for us to share with the world. Imagine what this world would be like if we all were selfish with our gifts and kept them to ourselves. We have so many great actors/actress, models, doctors, lawyers, our presidents. So many wonderful people who decided to share their gifts, their talents, with the world. Granted some of them could have done us all a favor and stayed home but some things are just meant to be.

Take advantage of the opportunities life gives you to share what you have to offer, you never know if you will have another chance. We as human beings were created to make a difference in our own ways, we were created to light a candle in the midst of darkness, we were created to cause a positive ripple effect in every life we come in contact with. We ARE MEANT to change lives.

Sometimes a simple good morning can make a difference in someone’s day. Telling someone they are beautiful can put a smile on a person’s face. You never know what someone might be going through and a hug, a smile or a pat on the back can make such a huge difference in a person’s life. If you know someone that might be having a difficult time, give them a call, find out how they are doing or just say something to make them smile. You never know what that person might be thinking about.

I want to achieve my purpose that God has for me in my life. I want to cause a positive ripple effect in every heart that read these posts and every section on this website. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey for me and those who follow me through it.