
All posts tagged positive

Wonderful Wednesday #WW

Published March 26, 2014 by Freedom Literature

I’m making this wonderful Wednesday because it’s my long day at college and I have to speak positiveness so I could have a positive outcome. 

I am determined to have a wonderful day, even if I will be in class from 8am – 9pm. I love my Lord because he gives me the strength to get through all things and I have the strength to push through the day. 

Have a blessed day everyone…and remember the power of life and death is in the tongue; stay positive!!!

I don’t think o…

Published September 2, 2013 by Freedom Literature

I don’t think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains. – Anne Frank

I love the story of Anne Frank. A young girl who was faced with incredible obstacles in life, but somehow knew enough to focus on the good, the positive, the beauty that still remained in the midst of the chaos she was living in.

God tells us to be childlike not to act like children. If this young girl was able to see the beauty in all the misery, we should be able to do the same.  

Declare It So!!!

Published July 22, 2013 by Freedom Literature

This is going to be a life changing week for me because I declare it so. Our tongues have such power – we can speak positive life and live in that manner or speak negative and continue with your head down.

I declare victory over my life, over my family, over my health, over all those who are struggling with a life threatening disease, over all the homes that have been going through so much chaos lately. I declare unity over broken relationships which should have never been so. I declare love over marriages who are struggling to survive. I declare strength over the leaders that God has placed in our lives to lead us and guide in light and in truth.

May your day be blessed because I declare it for you; In Jesus name I pray Amen!