
All posts tagged blessings

Honestly Speaking

Published August 19, 2015 by Freedom Literature

I’m having one of the moments where I am staring at my computer trying to figure out what to write about. I want to write honestly about my life. I want to say the correct things, so it will be something that everyone will enjoy.

Lately I have been thinking about my financial troubles and how I wish I wouldn’t have to struggle so much in life just to have the things that I need or want. I am grateful for all that I have because at the end of the day I have a roof over my family’s head and food on the table and my family is in good health. So for the most part all things are good, but I just wish they were better. I know it’s human nature to never be satisfied with what we have and always want more, so needless to say I am only human.

I imagine myself living in a beautiful home where my kids have their own rooms. I imagine my husband with a job where he doesn’t have to kill himself and he enjoys doing. I imagine myself driving a Mercedes-Benz GLK, which is the SUV that I love the most right now. I want to be able to get my hair done when I want not when I can and my nails as well. These are just some of the things I imagine.

I don’t ask for much, I just want to be comfortable in life and not struggling. I guess this is just something I have to work towards making true. Maybe one day I will hit the lottery and all my dreams come true but until then I will continue to be grateful with all that the Lord has blessed me with.

Something Beautiful is on The Horizon

Published August 14, 2015 by Freedom Literature

Sometimes there are secrets that can’t be told or feelings that can’t be felt. The intensity of the emotions are too hurtful to face. Unable to confront your past it’s hard to deal with your present and intolerable to imagine the future.

How did you get here or how did everything get out of hand? How is it that you can’t express your emotions? Because they are entangled in your heart along with the memories that hurt you and won’t let you have peace. Unable to function with what life has given you and only able to think about how bad it all is. It seems impossible the thought of you being able to get out of this state of mind. It seems as though no matter what you do, life hands you another pack of issues to deal with. How do you withstand the changes and how life fluctuates right before your eyes without a warning? All you have to go by is faith, faith in what? The missing factor in your life. You always have had faith but you continue to deal with all this hurt and mistrust everyday of your life. Why you? How come you are not normal, able to feel normal? How is it that despite all your good deeds, all your efforts to help others it’s still not enough to get you by with a little bit of slack, a little bit of peace? You try to sleep and the pain awakens you, the loneliness haunts you and you’re unable to get rid of it. Your eyes weep from fear and the tears just don’t stop. No matter what you do they just won’t stop.

You cover your eyes, shut them closed in hopes of opening them and realizing that it’s going to be okay. That you will be okay, that all of your fears will go away and you will be able to breathe. As if you were being relieved of all the pain, heaviness in your heart and all the memories which cause you harm. The world turns into a better place and you smile. Your smile is the start of a fresh day with hope of all beautiful things about to happen for you. And it’s at that moment when you realized that you can do this thing called life, that you will be okay, that there is no doubt you will be able to make it no matter how hard life becomes. Your dreams are obtainable, they are realistic. All your pain subsides and you no longer feel that heaviness which haunted you every day. Your life changes for the better and your faith returns, your faith in God your faith in YOU!

***A Secret Revealed***

Published May 6, 2014 by Freedom Literature

So much have been going on in my life, but I know that through it all God has been standing right by my side. I have been once again physically ill and emotionally distraught for many different reasons.

Physically, I have been suffering from tremors, anxiety attacks, migraines, undergoing exams for possible colon cancer. I know my God is a healer and there is nothing impossible for Him.

Emotionally, I have been dealing with the acceptance of no longer having my earthly father, but its a blessing to know I will never be without my spiritual father. My God will never abandon me.

I was a daddy’s girl, and we did everything together. One night, about three months ago, I began having nightmares of violent behaviors towards my father, which boggled my mind. How could I want to kill my dad? How could I stab my father and get mad when he did not die?

I was referred to a hypnotherapist, so I could address these issues. The first session was to find out if hypnosis would work on me, and it did. The second session was to deal with my emotion of hurt. During that session, I saw a little girl sitting at the edge of her bed. A man was standing in the doorway. The man proceeded to come in the room, the little girl was not scared at all. She was actually happy, but that quickly changed when the man began to touch her inappropriately. The little girl did not budge, she did not run, he told her it was okay and that he would never harm her.

This little girl was me, and the man was my father.

This is what I have been dealing with these past couple of months. My God has covered me with His Holy protection, and He has kept me!!!


Published March 25, 2014 by Freedom Literature

I have learned to renew my mind everyday. Start my day off with a prayer, a praise, a worship, acknowledging that God is first and for most. I know that starting my day giving Him thanks will lead to an awesome rest of the day.

The love that exist in my heart is because the Lord has put it there. I have felt as though love has left my heart at times, and bitterness has consumed its place. We all know there is nothing impossible for God to make new.  He has restored my heart and saved my soul, it is such a blessing to be the daughter of a King.

His Plan

Published March 17, 2014 by Freedom Literature

God is strategic. He has laid out an exact plan for our lives right down to the smallest details. He knows the people you need to meet in order to fulfill your destiny. He knows who is going to give you a good break and who is going to put in a good word for you. He knows when someone is going to need to be there to help you out of a difficult time. God has it all figured out. He is not vague or approximate. He is orchestrating your life right down to the very second, causing you to be at the right place at the right time so you can meet the right people that He has ordained before the foundation of the world.

You probably can look over your life and see how, time after time, God directed your steps to the exact moment. If you had been ten seconds earlier or ten seconds later, things would have played out differently. That’s God orchestrating His plan. That’s God ordering your steps. All you have to do is stay faithful to Him and follow His leading because in the end, His plan will stand!

Joel Olsteen

One of Many

Published October 24, 2013 by Freedom Literature

I apologize about yesterday, I haven’t been feeling well and was unable to write my story. This story in particular takes a lot of me to write about, emotionally. Hopefully this story will make up for both days. I apologize in advance for some foul language being used, its part of the story. I will try to tell you what I can remember. I feel like bits and pieces of this night I have suppressed because they are painful. I will try my best to put it together.

A fight broke out between my parents, really can’t remember why, they were yelling back and forth and I knew I was going to have to call the cops again. We lived in a 2-story townhouse, luckily every room, including the stairs, were rugged. If you have read my previous stories, you would know my father never fought with me, only with my mother and sister.

I remember my mother and sister were upstairs fighting with my dad. My dad wanted to lock himself in the room with my mother but my sister wouldn’t let him. I remember standing at the bottom of the stairs watching my dad grab my sister by the neck of her shirt screaming at her, telling her he was going to let her fall. My sister’s feet were barely touching the top of the staircase & she was struggling to grab on to the railing. My mother came out of the room to get my father off my sister, he let my sister go & luckily she was able to grab on to the railing. The next thing I saw was my father pushing my mother so hard she flew across the hallway into our room. At that point, I ran to the phone we had downstairs in the kitchen and I called the police. My father must have known I called the cops because he came down the stairs, but I had already hung up the phone.

I ran upstairs to check on my mother and sister, thank God nothing too serious, just some bruising, cuts and scrapes. Luckily those minor bruises, scrapes & scratches would heel but the memories would scar us for life.

We locked ourselves in my mother’s room and watched out the window waiting for the cops to come. We were so happy when we saw the cop car pull up our driveway, my dad didn’t share the same enthusiasm. We slowly came out of the room waiting for my dad to open the door, when we saw the cops came in the house we felt safe enough to walk down the stairs. We all walked into the kitchen and the cop started asking what was going on, my father stood right next to him, with no fear in his eyes and ready for another fight. My mother & sister were showing the cops the bruises, all I could say was, I was the one who called the cops. The cop tried to ignore my dad’s confrontational attitude at first, but the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The cop told my father to take a seat, my dad said “no”, the officer said, “Sir, I said to take a seat”, my dad said, “how are you going to come into my house and tell me to take fucking sear in my house, you sit the fuck down”. Both officers grabbed my dad and handcuffed him, they literally dragged my father all the way outside the house and into the police car.

There went my dad, another weekend, another night in jail, and another memory for us to never forget.

I thank God He saved us from worse. Although God allowed these situations to happen to us, I truly believe its all for His Glory. He knows what loads we can carry & never gives us more than we can bear. Along with the situations He allows in our lives, He also gives us the strength & the tools to deal with them.

I hope God blesses all the readers and touches lives beyond my reach. Lord I pray that whosoever is facing the same kind of turmoil, you hug them right now Lord and let them know its going to be okay, that they are going to be okay, that they are not alone & you are protecting them.

Minutes After Disaster

Published October 22, 2013 by Freedom Literature

I was about 13 years old when this happened. My sister and I had just made it to our bus stops after school. We were dropped off about 2 blocks from our house or so. We would always walk home together.

We lived in a townhouse at the time. There was a short cut to get to our house and it would bring us to the back of the house, we usually entered through the side door. This day was different, when we were about to unlock the door we noticed it had been busted open, the lock was dismantled and the wood was cracked and all over the floor. We didn’t know if the burglar was still in the house or not. We also had a little puppy at the time and we were so worried about him as well, but we knew we couldn’t go into the house by ourselves. We went to our friend’s house and he accompanied us. We walked in very quietly and when we made it to the stairs, once our puppy saw us, he came running down the stairs, he looked petrified. We proceeded upstairs and finished checking the house, luckily the burglar was gone,

They did steal several things, like our microwave, my father’s clothes, they went through our drawers, took some of our sneakers and some other appliances. It was a very scary experience. Although we did loose some valuable material things, we were blessed to be saved from such a horrific experience. Our puppy did recover and was back to his little mischievous ways in no time.

It’s memories like these, that make me realize how much God loves me & how blessed I am & always have been. No blessing is too small to talk about because His love & mercy is immeasurable.

God Bless!!!

God Saves Saga Continues

Published October 21, 2013 by Freedom Literature

Good Morning my friends. I hope & pray you all have enjoyed the stories I shared last week about how God has saved me. I will continue this week to share more stories, so stay tuned.

I do have a favor to ask of you all. If you have any stories of when God saved you and you would be willing to share it, please do. If you wish for me to share it on my blog I will, and I will keep it anonymous (if you wish). The reason why my blog is titled Freedom Literature is because I believe writing about your pain, sorrow, happiness and everything you hold inside causes you to feel free, to feel as though you have released a heavy load of your shoulders. The best thing about that, is as you share your story, you bless someone else.

Do not hold back from sharing your stories that God has allowed you to venture to through. You never know who needs to hear that they too will survive.

God Bless!!!!