
All posts tagged favor

Motivational Monday #MM

Published January 27, 2014 by Freedom Literature
Someone Once Asked Me

Someone Once Asked Me

I have been through many struggles. Including but not limited to: physical abuse, emotional abuse, kidney cancer, anemia, 6 – 7 surgeries in the past two years. You may wonder how is it that I continue to keep my head up and smiling everyday. I smile and never give up because my God hasn’t taught me how. I keep moving forward because I am constantly encouraged by God and all the wonderful people God has allowed to come into my life. I thank God because he taught me that without Him, I cannot do anything. Alone I will fail, but with Him I will make it through.

Even though, I have endured incredible obstacles, I can say I have never been alone. God has always been by my side, He has taught me that I am not a victim, but that I am a survivor. With much pride I say and reiterate:


Tip Tuesday #TT

Published January 14, 2014 by Freedom Literature

Jeremiah 32: 26-27

Then the LORD’s word came to Jeremiah, saying, Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?

There are times when we have to go through things and we they are too small to bother God with the issue. But here is proof, in His word, that there is no issue too small for God nor too big. All your worries, All your cares, give them unto God, for it is Him who will be doing the fighting for you. You worry about doing His Will and He will take care of you.

Back to School

Published January 12, 2014 by Freedom Literature

It has been 14 years since I graduated from high school in Puerto Rico. Now I’m in college Majoring in Human Services Technology.

This past week was my first week back in school. I have homework, quizzes, exams and assignments to complete. Its been a challenge to say the least but a good one. I love to learn and this is definitely the way to do it. I enjoy all my classes and have high hopes for good grades. I stepped out in faith by enrolling in college and I believe God will give me the strength and wisdom to make it through.

I will get back to my routine posts once I get use to my “new normal”. I’m also going into training this Tuesday evening to be a Guardian ad Litem. I will be an advocate for children who have suffered all kinds of abuse, from physical to sexual and neglect. I know it will be a lot on my plate for about a month, a pretty hectic schedule, but I believe God will give me the mental and physical strength I need to make it happen.

I love my God for giving me these opportunities to be exposed to different things that will expand my knowledge. I am grateful for the wonderful leader, my Pastor Dr. Chapman, who constantly encourages us to reach higher and for greater always putting God first.

I hope you all enjoy your week…Be Blessed!!!

Motivational Monday #MM

Published December 16, 2013 by Freedom Literature

You have to have confidence in your ability,

and then be tough enough to follow through


You have to be confident in your abilities to accomplish your goals. You can’t start and not finish because you’ve hit a stumbling block. Take a moment to breathe and get yourself together. Than get back up and continue forward with your goals. Don’t be the cause of the delay of your blessings, place yourself in a position ready to receive what is yours. 

Throw Back Thursday #TBT

Published December 5, 2013 by Freedom Literature

If there is one thing that can hold us back is our past. As much as we strive to become better human beings, we are constantly reminded of what we use to be. We feel as though we are never given enough credit for what we have overcome and have become today.

We have to know this starts by us. We have to accept who we once were and know, “I can never go back and change what I’ve done but what I’m going to do, is change what is in my control NOW.” 

Even when someone comes to remind you of who you once use to be – you make it a point to tell them “That’s how awesome God is because look at where I am today. I’m a walking testimony of God’s power, grace and mercy, and since you seem to be stuck in the same place where I was at one point in my life, I suggest you try God one of these days.” 

God has come to renew and restore all things, the devil on the other hand, would love to see you defeated and hopeless. Try now God in this – He will not let you down.

God’s Creations

Published November 11, 2013 by Freedom Literature

Being that God created all things; and when that is said, the first thing we think about is the material things, the things that are in front of us. The things we can see, feel or touch. The beautiful sunrise, the endless oceans, the astounding mountains. All the beautiful creatures He created, is the first thing we think of.

We forget to look deeper, to look beyond the obvious. At times, we need to shut our eyes and feel, because our ability to feel was also created by God. Our ability to move, to talk, to hug, to walk, to love, to enjoy, our determination and focus, was also created by God. He created each one of us to be unique in our own ways. He gave us all different characteristics, so when we come together we make things whole. We are like tools for Christ, made to work together so we can create bigger things for the love of Christ. We are the body of Christ and were created to work together, to help each other. When one leg is injured, on a human being,the other leg makes up for most of the body’s weight until the injured leg recovers itself. The Lord wants us to be able to lean on one another. To know if I fall, my sister or brother will be there to pick me up.

Lets learn to work as a whole, as a team, with the same purpose. The purpose being, to work for the kingdom of the God and help those in need by allowing Christ’s love to flow through us and create wondrous things for God’s Glory.

Keep Pressing Forward

Published November 7, 2013 by Freedom Literature

My Lord has taught me to keep pressing forward.

For those who don’t understand the meaning of pressing. It means to push forward or advance with force, eagerness, or haste for something you want.

Plenty of times when we are going through difficult situations, we forget we have God, we forget God’s promises, we forget God is our provider, we forget God is our healer, we forget God is our deliverer and instead of praising Him we praise our problems.

Our God did not give us a spirit of fear; but of power. We must keep pressing forward with force, eagerness and haste towards our promise, towards God’s purpose. When the enemy rises like a flood, determined to wash your faith away and everything else you allow him to take. You need to remember the God you serve, that you trust, that your faith relies on. CALL ON HIM AND HE WILL COME TO YOUR RESCUE; HE WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY; HE WILL STAND STRONG IN YOUR DEFENSE.

You are His child and a father never abandons their child, knowing that God is our father, He will protect us now and always from all things.

Yes, there are situations that are heartbreaking and tear us to pieces but in those moments of devastation and right out helplessness – you have to remember- God never gives us more than we can bear. He knows the purpose of everything He allows to happen in our lives – your responsibility is to KEEP PRESSING FORWARD because God has not left you, this is just a season you must endure so He can bring you GREATER – TO ANOTHER LEVEL.

Believe in what He has promised you, never doubt it, because when you least expect it – it will come to pass.


Cancer Journey

Published October 18, 2013 by Freedom Literature

I decided to end the week with a strong finish. Although this story is fast forwarding a lot from the previous stories, it is one of my favorites.

When I was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer I had no symptoms. All my urine cultures were clear, no back pain at all, no symptoms at all indicating something was wrong with my left kidney.

About mid September 2011 I started having shortness of breath and fatigue. I visited my primary care physician, which at that time was Dr. Konduru, to address theses symptoms. I have a history of chronic iron deficiency anemia. The doctor proceeded to get some blood work done to check my iron level. When the results were ready I was told to come in the office to discuss them with the doctor. The doctor stated my hemoglobin was at an 8, the normal is anywhere between 12-16. He asked if I was still having the same symptoms, I told him I was. Dr. Konduru recommended I go to the emergency room if my symptoms persist or worsen so I could have a blood transfusion done.

On September 26, 2011, I decided to go to Rex Hospital and have the blood transfusion since my symptoms were not getting any better. My shortness of breath was becoming worse, to the extent of not being able to carry on a conversation without having to gasp for air. The doctor on call at the emergency room ordered blood work to check if my levels where increasing. Fortunately, my levels had gone up from 8 to 8,6. The doctor came in the room, where my father, brother-in-law and close friend were with me, and stated since my levels were increasing, he wouldn’t recommend a blood transfusion. I asked the doctor, “how about the shortness of breath, its not getting  any better?” He stated, “we are going to have you walk up and down the hallway to check your oxygen level”. And so they did. I walked up and down the hallway with a nurse and became extremely fatigued causing my oxygen level to drop to 87.

At this point the doctor was concerned I had a PE (pulmonary embolism). They send me for x-rays and CT-scan of my lungs, luckily a PE was not detected, but in the CT-scan they went low enough to find a mass or something that looked like a mass in my kidney. The doctor said, “its an incidental finding and its probably nothing, just follow up with your primary care physician for further evaluation”. The doctor decided to have me stay at the hospital that night so I could have the blood transfusion.

A couple of weeks after that, I followed up with my primary care physician for further evaluation of my left kidney. He ordered I have a Urogram done, which is an in depth study of the kidneys. I had the procedure done that week and returned to Dr. Konduru the following day. The night before the follow up, I received a call from Landmark Urology, stating I had an appointment scheduled the following day after I see Dr. Konduru. After I received that message I knew something serious was happening. I went to see Dr. Konduru, I could tell by the expression on his face the results were not good ones. Dr. Konduru proceeded to tell me I had a tumor in my left kidney and it was pretty big. I asked if it was benign and he stated “make sure you do not miss the appointment with the urologist because they will be able to do a biopsy and proceed from there depending on the results”. 

I knew Dr. Konduru did not want to be the bearer of bad news, and I didn’t blame him. The following day I attended my appointment with the urologist, Dr. Daniel McCrakan. My father accompanied me because I needed the support just in case things went bad. Once Dr. McCrackan pulled up my imaging on the computer, he explained to us what everything was and showed us where the tumor was. The tumor was located inside my left kidney, the cancer had not spread, it was contained within the kidney. Than he turned in his chair and looked at my father and I, he said, “We need to start talking about surgery”. I was a little shocked at the rush on the topic, and I said “I thought I was going to have a biopsy first to indicate if its even cancer” I responded. The following words he spoke changed my life forever. He said “I’m 85% sure the tumor you have in your left kidney is cancer and we need to act fast to remove it because luckily it hasn’t spread as of yet.

I remember my dad crying trying to ask the doctor if I was going to be okay, but he couldn’t get the words out. I turned to Dr. McCrackan and he teary eyed as well. When you get news like this, its like having a bucket of iced water spilled over you. You don’t know how to react and it feels as though your mind, body & all of your senses are in slow motion trying to process all that’s been said. I’m thankful to God and everyday I give Him all the Glory & Honor for allowing the doctors to have found the cancer on time. This experience made me reflect on life and how I was living it. It made me realize what is really important in life and what I should be doing. Although this experience took a toll on my family, my friends and I, I’m thankful God allowed me to go through this wonderful experience because it opened my eyes to how much He loves me, has mercy over me, and how He has kept me through it all. For this and so much more I have to be thankful to God.

On November 18, 2011, I had my left kidney removed by Dr. McClure & Dr. McCrackan, who prayed with me before we entered the operating room. After the surgery the doctors spoke to my parents, who were in the waiting area with all my friends & the rest of my family, and told them I was blessed because the cancer was caught right on time. The tumor was almost as big as my kidney. The doctors informed my parents I had one more year to live before it would’ve killed me. But praise God for His mercy & grace, He allowed me to survive and here I am 2 years later Cancer Free!!!!

Health Update

Published October 4, 2013 by Freedom Literature

Hi Everyone:

Lately I haven’t shared everything that’s been going on with my health, I thought it was about time since I have a lot coming up.

I got a little break from the doctors, Lord knew I needed the break. But I’m back being busy at the doctors again.

I had a very interesting test done of my small intestine this week. I had to swallow a capsule, which was a mini camera, so it could take pictures of my small intestine. These pictures will be reviewed and they will let me know if anything is wrong. The reason for this study is because my body does not absorb iron, which causes my iron deficiency anemia. I’ve already received an iron infusion this past July, hopefully that will hold me up for about 6 to 8 months.

One of the other things that are happening is that I’m having muscle twitching. Its happening with my hand when I’m writing, my hand jerks. Its also happening while I’m speaking, my mouth is going sideways. I visited the neurologist to see what is going on. She suggested it could be due to stress/anxiety but to make sure nothing is neurologically wrong, I’m having an MRI of my brain & an EEG done Wednesday of next week, just to make sure I’m not having epileptic activity in my brain.

Another issue I’m having, is that another mass was found. I’m having an ultrasound done on Monday, hopefully is nothing that would need surgical intervention. I’ve already had enough surgeries this year alone, but if I must, than I will.

In all these situations, I continue to keep my faith in the Lord. I know all that I must endure will be for His Glory. God has given me peace in the midst of it all and gives me the strength I need to keep moving forward. I don’t question His will – God knows me better than I know myself. He has blessed me to go through what I must go through. 😉